Suttkus, R.D. and H.L. Bart, Jr. 2002. A preliminary analysis of the river carpsucker, Carpiodes carpio, in the southern portion of its range. Pp. 209-221 In: L. Lozano (ed.) Libro Jubilar en Honor al Dr. Salvador Contreras Balderas, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Mexico. [download PDF] Piller, K.R., H.L. Bart, Jr. and J.A. Tipton. 2003. Spawning of the Black Buffalo, Ictiobus niger, in the Little Tennessee River System. Ichthyological Explorations of Freshwater (in press). [download PDF] Clements, M.D., H.L. Bart, Jr. and D.L. Hurley. 2004. Isolation and characterization of two distinct Growth Hormone cDNAs from the tetraploid smallmouth buffalofish (Ictiobus bubalus)", General and Comparative Endocrinology 136: 411-418 [download PDF] Bart, H. L., Jr., R. D. Suttkus, J. Lyons and N. Mercado-Silva. 2004. A preliminary analysis of the taxonomic status of Ictiobus meridionalis (G�nther), pp 47-62 In: Ma L. Lozano Vilano and A.J. Contreras-Balderas (Eds). Homenaje al Doctor Andr�s Res�ndez Molia, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Mexico. Bart, H.L., Jr., K.R. Piller, M.D. Clements, R.E. Blanton and D.L. Hurley. A cytochrome b perspective on genetic variation and phylogenetic relationships of Subfamily Ictiobinae (Teleostomi: Catostomidae) (in preparation). Presentations (presenter underscored) Bart, H.L., Jr., K.R. Piller and D.L. Hurley. 1998. Molecular systematic assessment of the status of Carpiodes forbesi Hubbs. 78th Annual Meeting American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Guelph, Ontario. (view slides) Bart, H. L., Jr., K.R. Piller and D.L. Hurley. 2000. Phylogenetic relationships of suckers of subfamily Ictiobinae, as inferred from cytochrome b sequence data. 80th Annual Meeting American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, LaPaz, B.C.S., MEXICO. (view slides) Suttkus, R.D. and H. L. Bart, Jr. 2002. A preliminary analysis of the river carpsucker, Carpiodes carpio, in the southern portion of its range. Presentacion del Libro jubilar en honor al Dr. Salvador Contreras Balderas, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Mexico. (view slides)
Bart, H.L. Jr. M. D. Clements, R.E. Blanton, K.R. Piller, J. Lyons, D. L.
Hurley. 2003.
evidence of interspecific hybridization in Subfamily Ictiobinae Bart, H. L., Jr., M. D. Clements, R.E. Blanton, M. Cashner, K. R. Piller, D.L. Hurley. 2004. Incongruence of mtDNA sequence and morphological evidence in Carpiodes species complexes (Teleostomi: Catostomidae). 84th Annual Meeting, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Norman, Oklahoma. (view slides) Bart, H. L., Jr., R.D. Suttkus, J. Lyons, N. Mercado-Silva. 2004. A preliminary analysis of the taxonomic status of Ictiobus meridionalis (G�nther). IX Congreso Nacional de Ictiolog�a. Universidad Ju�rez Aut�noma de Tabasco, Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico. (view slides) Bart, H. L., Jr., M. D. Clements, R.E. Blanton, M. Cashner, M. H. Doosey, K.R. Piller, D.L. Hurley. 2004. Patterns of variation and relationships of living ictiobines (Cypriniformes: Catostomidae) based on mitochondrial and nuclear genes. XI European Congress of Ichthyology, Tallinn, Estonia. (view slides) Clements, M.D., H. L. Bart, Jr., M.H. Doosey, D.L. Hurley. 2004. Utility of the Growth Hormone gene for estimating phylogenetic relationships among cypriniform fishes. XI European Congress of Ichthyology, Tallinn, Estonia.(view slides) Bart, H. L., Jr., R.D. Suttkus, J. Lyons and N. Mercado-Silva. 2004. Status of Mexican Ictiobines: a tribute to Meek and Miller. Desert Fishes Council Tucson, Arizona. (view slides). Bart, H.L., Jr. and R.D. Suttkus. 2005. Taxonomic status of Carpiodes populations on the western Gulf Slope. Desert Fishes Council, Cuatro Cienegas, Mexico (view slides) Bart, H. L., Jr., M D. Clements, M.H. Doosey, D.L. Hurley. 2005. Utility of the Growth Hormone gene for estimating phylogenetic relationships among cypriniform fishes. 85th Annual Meeting, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Tampa. FL (view slides). Bart, H. L., Jr., M.D. Clements, R.E. Blanton, D.L. Hurley 2005. Patterns of sequence variation in introns of the growth hormone gene in species of Ictiobus (Cypriniformes: Catostomidae). 85th Annual Meeting, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Tampa. FL (view slides). Undergraduates Arnold, D.L. (Xavier University of Louisiana). 2001. The Shape Evolution of Carpiodes carpio. LS-LAMP Summer Program Annual Research Symposium. Dr. Henry L. Bart, Jr. (mentor) Tulane University (view slides). Melendez, K. (Tulane University). 2002. Morphometric Analysis of Carpiodes carpio Rafinesque. LS-LAMP Summer Program Annual Research Symposium. Dr. Henry L. Bart, Jr. (mentor) Tulane University (view slides). Minor, L.D., Jr. (Southern University Baton Rouge). 2003. Determining Shape Variation in Carpiodes velifer Using Geometric Morphometrics. LS-LAMP Summer Program Annual Research Symposium. Dr. Henry L. Bart, Jr. (mentor) Tulane University (view slides). Carter, A. (Southern University Baton Rouge). 2004. Recognizing New Species of Carpiodes Using Morphology and Geometric Morphometrics. LS-LAMP Summer Program Annual Research Symposium. Dr. Henry L. Bart, Jr. (mentor) Tulane University (view slides). | ![]() |