![]() Fishes Described or Co-Described by Royal D. Suttkus as of Year 2000 Freshwater fishes: Hybopsis lineapunctata Clemmer and Suttkus Notropis ammophilus Suttkus and Boschung Notropis asperifrons Suttkus and Raney Notropis baileyi Suttkus and Raney Notropis candidus Suttkus Notropis edwardraneyi Suttkus and Clemmer Notropis hypsilepis Suttkus and Raney Notropis rafinesquei Suttkus Notropis signipinnis Bailey and Suttkus Notropis uranoscopus Suttkus Pteronotropis euryzonus Suttkus Semotilus lumbee Suttkus and Snelson Noturus munitus Suttkus and Taylor Fundulus euryzonus Suttkus and Cashner Ambloplites constellatus Cashner and Suttkus Etheostoma bellator Suttkus and Bailey Etheostoma brevirostrum Suttkus and Etnier Etheostoma colorosum Suttkus and Bailey Etheostoma ditrema Ramsey and Suttkus Etheostoma lachneri Suttkus and Bailey Etheostoma moorei Raney and Suttkus Etheostoma ramseyi Suttkus and Bailey Etheostoma raneyi Suttkus and Bart Etheostoma rubrum Raney and Suttkus Etheostoma tallapoosae Suttkus and Etnier Percina aurolineata Suttkus and Ramsey Percina aurora Suttkus and Thompson Percina brevicauda Suttkus and Bart Marine fishes: Lophiodes reticulatus Caruso and Suttkus Bembrops ocellatus Thompson and Suttkus Bembrops quadricella Thompson and Suttkus Bembrops raneyi Thompson and Suttkus |